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Bildebergs Losing Control?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; There are people who claim you refuse to see the obvious that there is a group called the Bildebergs that they insist even Hillary Clinton...

France Has Largest Swing in All of Europe Against the EU Commission and its Socialist Agenda

Marine Le Pen and France’s National Front political party is poised to take the biggest swing toward anti-Europe ahead of even Britain. Le Pen declared...

Comment From Scotland

COMMENT: Actually the SNP won the Scottish Parliament in May 2007 at the turn in ECM, breaking the stronghold of Unionist parties. This was the start of the...

New Allegations Against JP Morgan Emerge in Australia

A back-office accountant has emerged in Australia stating that the Australian office of J.P. Morgan failed to report losses to its parent and to the Federal...

First Time in British History 3rd Party Wins! Welcome the Rise in 3rd Parties

I have been warning that the economic pressure began in Europe. It began precisely to the day on Pi following the 2007.15 turning point. This same turning point...

Russia Leaks on 911 – Oops! Didn’t Think of That One!

Russia is starting to fight back with leaking the evidence that the USA has worked with terrorists and knew about 911 if not help the terrorists organize the...

Goldman Sachs & JP Morgan Accused of Manipulating Zinc

Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan and the metal exchange based in London have all been accused of manipulating the zinc prices over the last 4 years. The prices for zinc have...

Barclay’s Gold Manipulation & Dr. Evil

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am a converted and repentant Goldbug. I have listened to the same hype all the way up and all the way down. They always blamed...

Eastern Ukraine Moving Toward Civil War

  Pro-Russian Tourists killed in battles The number of clashes between the pro-Russian tourists and Ukrainian troops has been escalating. More than 20 have...

Ukraine Eastern Protesters Take to Cars to Support a United Ukraine

The threats of violent by the pro-Russian tourists roaming the streets in Eastern Ukraine have succeeded in stopping protests of people on foot after they are being...