QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I listened to your discussion with Glen Downs. You said that the first golden rule of disinformation is to exaggerate the event. Can you...
On this War Cycle, Asia is about 2 years ahead of Europe. In the Cycle of War Report I noted that the cycle for China was slightly ahead of 2014. This is being...
QUESTION: My question is this: Russia and China making bilateral trade not using USD, China doing so with other countries etc. the buzz now is USD falling from...
The hunt for loose change everywhere is going full blast. Of course, while German tax revenues have increased 13.4%, this is not a trend that is sustainable. They...
Serious rioting during protests against the World Cup in Sao Paulo, Brazil. The cost of the World Cup have risen to 60 billion dollars. The people are now...
QUESTION: Do you have any insight into the VA Scandal? ANSWER: Just do the math. After 13 years of war the number of people requiring care increased 50%. We are...
Elected officials will do anything to maintain power. The name of the game is to to get re-elected at all costs, which preferably are yours. Running a campaign is...
Unions have been the real plague of society. There is not much they have not really destroyed. They wiped out New York City as a port. No ships dock in New York...