QUESTION: I have followed you for decades and use adaptions of your theories in my trading. However there seems to be some contradictions in the way you analyse...
Many people are always skeptical about forecasting for they first tend to confuse what we do with others who just express opinions. Secondly, they assume...
Obama’s approval rating is an abysmal 36-59 percent while giving Hillary Clinton has a much more robust 52-43 percent. This is showing how even markets...
Riots are have erupted with hundreds of protesters gathering at a suburban St. Louis police station on Monday demanding murder charges against an officer who shot...
Russia wants government control of food prices to prevent the impact upon the the people of war-time economics. In order to prevent a rapid rise in inflation,...
Russia is teaming up with the Red Cross to send aid to Eastern Ukraine. The US is trying to say this is an invasion attempt. In fact, our sources are clear. In the...
I cannot find anyone who can articulate why Russia is now an enemy of the USA other than statements that he is empire-building. Other than that, Russia is no longer...
QUESTION: Marty; Are you suggesting that we should have divided the private sector from Putin and turned them against him as he seems to be doing with Boeing? BTW:...
Hours after President Barack Obama opened the door to military action to protect the Kurdish-controlled city of Erbil from the advancing militant group Islamic...
Thomas Hobbes wrote in his seminar work the Leviathan: “Reputation of power is power, because it draweth with it the adherence of those that need protection.”...