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WEC 2014 DVD Set


Cambodia Youth Rising Up Against Corruption

Part of the war cycle is the shift in generations. We are seeing the younger generation rise up against the older in the context of civil unrest. This was the...

Going to War with Russia?

US and EU are ready to impose new sanctions against Russia furthering the new cold war and raising the stakes for this turning hot. The U.S. and EU are looking to...

Money – Assets Bubbles – Reality

A lot of questions have been coming in about the Fed and Asset Bubbles. Quite frankly, the nonsense that the Fed creates them to hide the decay in the US monetary...

Will Technology Collapse because of NSA?

China has raided the offices of Microsoft escalating the ban on Windows 8 even further. At what point will the technology companies stand-up and demand the NSA has...

War Against the Rich – Age Old Battle

The battle of class warfare has been raging for thousands of years. This is nothing new and it has tended to end is sheer disaster without exception....

Interview on Financial News Network

Interview on Financial News...

Manipulating Central Banks

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Are we watching the central banks trying to manipulate capital flows as they did in 1927 but reverse with European rates down and America...

Pensions have ALWAYS Destroyed Society – Just Like Detroit

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You mentioned that government workers and their pensions will destroy our economies. You said this is how Rome also fell. It certainly...