The USA is amazingly going to produce more oil that Saudi Arabia and Russia making it the largest producer in the world according to all the data so far with...
Citigroup Inc is reported to be close to paying about $7 billion in fines to resolve a U.S. probe into whether it defrauded investors on billions of dollars worth...
We have obtained a copy of our 1999 World Economic Conference that was held in Vancouver. We placed the introductory on YouTube. What is interesting is back...
The US Share Market has confused many and those who swear we are headed into a 1929 crash just cannot comprehend this is a global economy. We have to be concerned...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; This battle between socialism and capitalism, is there any precedent from history that you can site for this clash of Titans? Thanks; DP...
More and more info is starting to surface how they have been “adjusting” this data on global warming to service political agendas. Those in government...
It does not matter what we talk about be it markets or climate. If the data you are putting in garbage, you get garbage out. When it came to economic, I began a...
The Swiss are getting a bad reputation for starting to have some off-the-chain socialist nut-job groups who obviously do not understand humanity, desire to suppress...
There has also been claims that the NSA, the totally un-American version of the communist secret police encouraged and protected by Obama, has been targeting those...
A number of emails have asked me about Tor. The Tor anonymity network is championed as a tool for freedom of speech and anonymity when surfing the web. The Tor...