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Austria starts the Default Once Again?

Austria has just cancelled the sovereign guarantee of one of its states -Kärnten- on the outstanding Hypo Alpe Aria Bank debt. The “Minister of...

Comment from Ontario

COMMENT:  Mr. Armstrong Your statements about having to crash and burn were borne out by the recent election in Ontario Canada where the Liberals, admittedly one...

Migration – Discrimination – Language

COMMENT Dear Mr. Armstrong, I wanted to comment on your article, but WordPress will not let me log in, so I thought I’d write an email. I respectfully...

The Hunt for Money

COMMENT: Hi Martin; thank you very much for your informative blog, i started reading at the beginning of the year and it’s the only one I make sure never to...

Spain Collapsed from the Richest Nation to Among the Poorest With the Help of Debt Not Hyperinflation

QUESTION: Am I correct in saying that Spain collapsed because of debt and not hyperinflation? Thanks; SD ANSWER: YES! The history of Spain is a classic example of...

Consumption Tax – Will It Ever Return?

COMMENT: Dear Martin, One of the knocks against a consumption tax has always been its potential effect on the deficit. It seems that argument is now irrelevant in...

Is it Taxes or Opportunity that Cause Migrations?

QUESTION: The invasion of children from the Mexican perspective is to have a better life. The U.S. perspective is all these people do not pay taxes and take jobs....

Government NEVER Tells the Truth

It is really beyond me that whether we are talking about people who commit crimes, terrorists, or just reporting statistics and accounting, those in government just...


  Gold began the bounce on target but we need a daily closing ABOVE 1295 to suggest any further upside pressure. The low was on June 2nd so technically we have...

Euro Under Pressure

The Euro is caving in after the elections. Those in the money know this is doomed. This will help to give a bid temporarily to gold and the dollar. For as people...