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The Terrorist Exchange – Fake or Real?

A lot of people have written asking my take on the Terrorist Exchange. The first question to ask – are they really terrorists? Assume nothing. The answer is...

Stock Market – Has the Bull Been Replace with the Pink Bunny?

QUESTION: Marty; I do find it curious how Barron’s quoted your forecast for new highs in 2011, and you seem to be the only person who was correct, yet they...

The Theory Behind NEGATIVE Interest Rates

QUESTION: Not sure if this is even possible. Can the consumer savings interest rates go to a level at or below Zero that will drag down the lending interest rate...

The Rise of Nationalism – Just Part of the Cycle

Last November I warned that as part of the cycle turning up in war and civil unrest in conjunction with the Sovereign Debt Crisis, we should Expect Riots &...

Plague Cycle

A lot of questions have come in about disease. Yes there is a cycle to plagues. We included just a brief comment on this cycle that amazingly nearly matched the...

Population Growth – Really a Problem?

I was asked my opinion about David Suzuki’s warning about overpopulation growth. It was brilliantly done and mathematically it is correct. His math...

Negative Interests Rates Comes in Flavours

QUESTION: Marty, thanks so much for explaining the difference between lowering rates trying to deflect capital flows as in Denmark and Switzerland. I understand the...

They Are Tapping Phones in New Zealand – Is this really Terrorists or Taxes?

A reader from New Zealand contributed this: COMMENT: Martin Happening in New Zealand SR

Pegs & Negative Rates – Do They Differ from ECB

What the ECB has done is the first time a central bank has gone NEGATIVE to try to force people to spend. There have been NEGATIVE interest rates in a quasi...

Putin One – Hillary ZERO

Russian President Vladimir Putin said in response to Hillary Clinton’s unproductive remarks comparing Putin to Hitler,  he slapped her down saying that...