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Home Land Security wants National License Plate Tracking

These people are trashing everything to do with the Constitution and there is nothing we can do about it when Congress are not real people but career drones who...

Ukraine – From the Otherside’s View

COMMENT:  Sorry, Mr. Armstrong, what you wrote about Ukraine is not the Truth at all, it’s just YOUR truth , and/or that of your contributors. Living in...

Ukraine the Truth

QUESTION:  Hi Martin,  can you please enlighten us on the damned truth.  Do half of the people in Ukraine want the Eu, and the other half want Russia or, is this...

Seating for Spouse & Student Children

  The number of requests asking to bring your spouse and student children have been many as the Cycle of War turns up for all to see. We have expanded the...

US Dollar Holdings Rose in December to $5794.9 billion

Chinese holdings of US Treasurys declined in December by a modest $48 billion. China’s holdings of dollars dropped from $1316.7 billion to $1268.9 billion....

Global Market Watch Feb 18th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of February 18th, 2014. Global Market...

Ukraine – ALL OUT WAR

  Ukraine is turning into an outright Civil War. The mercenaries have been attacking the protesters and the death-toll just keeps rising. We have people there...

Progress Report on Model & Services

  This has been a long-time coming and we greatly appreciate everyone’s patience. The progress we have made will blow most people’s minds. You will...

Are Bankers Committing Suicide For a Connected Reason?

  The string of suicides among the leading bank employees is indicative of the change in trend. The major Wall Street banks including Bank of America, Goldman...

ECM Historical Dates

  Those that ask about the Dates of the Economic Confidence Model going back in time and forward should look at the page under the model that provides that...