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Facing Arethusa Tetradram of Syracuse Up For Sale May 26

One of the rarities in Greek Coins is about to be auctioned off on May 26, 2014 in Zurich by Numismatica Ars Classica. This is the famous Syracuse Tetradrachm...

Is NYC Just Insane? No – Greedy.

The Actor Alec Baldwin was arrested Tuesday in New York City and issued two summonses — one for disorderly conduct for arguing with a cop (IRS Agent on...

The Rise Against Corruption Is Also Inside USA

  COMMENT: They should title it ….”protesters protest corruption” Of course these small time medias are in the pockets of someone else....

GDP of Poland & Ukraine – The Numbers Behind the Revolution

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I saw a chart showing Poland’s economy vs Ukraine’s economy since the end of the USSR and it showed that Ukraine’s economy...

Hillary – Brain Damage?

Karl Rove has sparked a real controversy over Hillary Clinton. Rove is said to have commented to an audience that Hillary may have suffered some form of brain...

Joe Biden’s Son Joins Ukraine Gas Company

The money starts to line the pockets. Yes, the Democrats who hate the rich in public, line their pockets just like everyone else. The youngest son of U.S. Vice...

Propaganda From All Sides

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; My family lives in Kiev and Donetsk. I know that this whole propaganda that they were Fascists in Kiev and this was orchestrated by the CIA...

Inflation – One Size Does Not Fit All

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, I just watched your Greg Hunter interview and had a question that several other commenters had. How can you say we have no...

Will Government Confiscate Assets

QUESTION: If the public is racing to buy assets (real estate, coins, etc) will the government not try and confiscate everything we have, for the good of us all, to...

North Korea Pounding its Chest Again

  The Bangkok Post has reported that North Korea vowed “merciless” reprisals against South Korea after its military official suggested that the...