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UN Office for Disarmament Affairs – Including Americans

The United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs has released on August 5th with the turn in the ECM an amazing agenda where they will assist member nations to...

Gold Outlook

The diehard bulls are already proclaiming the low is in place so buy – buy – buy. Gold should press higher into next week, but the Weekly Bullish...

Bail-In Crisis

These politicians are lawyers – not economists. Lawyers are trained NOT so much in how to comply with the law, but how to avoid it. When Bill Clinton was...

The Land of Smiles or Stupidity?

This is a good read. An observation of inbred social stupidity because of the political ramifications that have interfered with the true lesson of history. What is...

Technology Advancement

One of the more interesting ideas to advance travel would be to erect tubes within which a capsule would travel at about 700 mph. This is like you put documents in...

The Cost Education & Day Care

The cost without room and board for Harvard University is $38,891 for the 2013-2014 school year. For Princeton University, it is $40,170. Some pre-schools in...

Metals Investigation Heating Up

The fire storm over the NY Bankers manipulating markets is spreading. Goldman Sachs has been the brunt of jokes such as that that aired on the The Daily Show.The...

Outlook For Wheat

Wheat is still position to move into a low for September where we have a Monthly Directional Change. We do have a important Monthly Bearish Reversal at 604250. That...

The A$ Outlook

We still see the A$ declining with the commodity cycle. The rise is likely after 2015.75. For now the major resistance stands at the Monthly Bullish Reversals at...

Bail-Ins May Spark Far More Than People Realize

QUESTION: I listened to a radio interview where you said the Dow could double by 2016. Is that for real? ANSWER: Yes! There is never a single reason for anything...