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Global Market Watch Jan 14th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of January 14th, 2014....

Investors Dumping Hedge Funds Who Missed the Whole Trend

Investors have been bailing out of hedge funds at the fastest pace in four years. Most hedge funds have performed miserably missing the stock rally, confused in...

Training Seminar v World Economic Conference March 2014

QUESTION: Martin, Firstly, thanks for all the information you are kindly sharing on your website – it is very helpful and informative. I have a question...

Hyperinflation Impossibility in Private Sector

COMMENT:  Martin, would the Hyper Inflation Deflation Debate be as simple as using a stock share consolidation example to get it to people’s thick heads who...

Hyperinflation Is it even Possible?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have investigated your explanation of hyperinflation and can see that you are correct in that this is limited to third world and...

Booking at Loews Hotel for March Conference

 Fourth Dimension   This will include How to Trade using the Fourth Dimension & The Forecasts for the Biggest Movers into 2015 from around the world....

Global Market Watch January 13th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of January 13th, 2014....

Civil Unrest Rising – Protesters now Threatened with 15 years in Prison

In Bangkok, the rising tide in anti-government demonstrations has led to a warning that any disruption of air traffic controllers may now result in a 15 year prison...

Taxes & Legal Wordsmithing. One’s Interpretation is never Another’s

In the tax code there are provisions that clearly state that payment for employment is taxable defining wages as “all remuneration for employment.”...