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US Property Taxes Wipeout Savings & Profit

The American Dream and the pushing of home ownership is one of the biggest scams the politicians can pull off. The above home sold for $14,000 in 1956. Today, the...

Pakistan Bans Gold Imports

Pakistan has banned the import of gold and India might now follow since its import tax has lead to a massive rise in gold-smuggling. Making it illegal gives the...

BitCoin Banned in Thailand

The Thai central bank is the first to ban virtual currency Bitcoin. Lack of laws as a justification for using the currency and lack of capital controls were the...

Merkel prohibits American Espionage in Germany

Merkel prohibits American Espionage in Germany Panic in the Federal Government has gripped the collection of data. The Coalition between the German infamous G-10...

The Next Generation Pensions R Vanishing – Why The Dow May Yet Double

Since the late 1990s, the birth rate is relatively constant at 1.4 children per woman in Germany. according to the Federal Statistical Office . This is effectively...

IMF Warns About German & French Banks

After the warnings of the IMF for France, the IMF has also now expressed concern about the outlook for Germany and its banks. People in the states who keep yelling...

EU To Limit Cash Withdrawals to 100-200 Euros per day If a Bank Goes Down

The model in Cyprus of limiting cash withdrawals from banks is being adopted in the EU for the entire system. The European idea of socialism is the sustainability...

Fundamental Analysis – Always Questionable

I have warned many times that the greatest problem we face is the attempt to always reduced the event to being caused by a single fundamental as if for that instant...

Obama Cancels Meeting With Putin Over Snowden – Just Brain-Dead

If you talk about being brain-dead, President Barack Obama’s cancellation of a planned meeting in Moscow with Russia’s President Vladimir Putin is...

President Obama Wants to End Bail-Outs for Fannie & Freddie

Obama – End FANNIE & FREDDIE! President Obama after almost 5 years FOLLOWING the taxpayers bailout of the mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac,...