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Obama Trying to Cover Up Another Investigative Program

Reuters has published an exclusive report documenting that Obama Administration has been directing agents to cover up another program being used to investigate...

EU Commission Staged Coup Against Berlusconi in Italy

What is emerging over elections in Italy is really amazing. We have had the EU claim that the Italian Mafia is controlling elections in June. However, what is now...

The Iron Curtain Starting to Close – Now STEP

Obama wants all Americans to now report voluntarily to the government regarding any foreign travel. The program is currently voluntary, but the word on the Hill is...

Snowden Hero or Traitor

Edward Snowden  is now trapped in transit limbo at a Moscow airport, where he finds himself with no alternative but to accept asylum in Russia. The arrangement is...

The False Move

Just as they say there is the calm before the storm, there is always the false move before the breakout. As we approach the midpoint on the Economic Confidence...

Fed Double Talk or Cryptic Reality

QUESTION: “…the best way to get interest rates up is to have low interest rates” —Fed Chairman Bernanke responding to a Congressional testimony question...

Tangible v Intangible Money – Why Times Have Changed

The mantra of Goldbugs has been that paper money is worthless and only gold is money. That is pretty much like saying the earth is still flat. Money has...

Liechtenstein bank to pay $23.8M in NY tax case

The USA is on a quest to attract any foreign banks that deal with Americans. A Liechtenstein bank will now pay $23.8 million to end a probe into what the USA claims...

JP Morgan Electricity Manipulations

When I first came out and wrote about the “Club” and how there was an organized group of banks and some hedge funds that targeted individual markets to...