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JP Morgan Cutting 17,000 Jobs – Banking Has Turned Down

We warned that the banks have turned the corner when their cycle finished last year. The NY Post has come out stating that being a banker is not so great anymore....

Feinstein gets What She has Dished out to the World.

The woman who has supported the NSA and every ethical breach of decency has finally realized that when the CIA was searching through Congressional records of...

Crimea was the Origin of the Black Death that killed 50% of Europe

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I am impressed with your models and the cycle of war. What has truly astonished many of your readers in Eastern Europe is how you focused...

France – Leading the Way to the Demise of the West – The First to Fall

    Is the sun setting on France? France is the next major country to collapse in the Sovereign Debt Crisis. About 50% of the youth just want to get out....

RT America’s Liz Wahl resigns live on air

RT (Russia Today) news network has been playing down the Russian side of events in Ukraine and has not projected an unbiased view. Liz Wahl resigned on the air...

Global Market Watch – March 10th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of March 10th, 2014. Global Market...

Live Streaming of the Cycles of War Conference

  We will be setting up a live stream for the Cycles of War Conference on March 21st. We realize that so many people wanted to attend this from around the...

Expansion of Services

We will be releasing after the conference the third page to the GMW that will contain the Forecasting arrays and charts. We will provide a brief overview of the GMW...

Deflation Still in Europe

  The Euro is still pressing higher against the dollar on deflation. The geopolitical risks have not yet kicked in and may not until after June. The European...

Ukraine Has Always Been Strategic since the Ancient Greeks – The Breadbasket of Surrounding Nations

  Ukraine is perhaps the most misunderstood country as well as the most overlooked. The history of Ukraine goes far back to the Greeks that founded most of the...