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Global Market Watch – March 7th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of March 7th, 2014. Global Market...

Ukraine & the Warriors of Light

This is a non-official video, a Belarusian rock band sings this song in Russian (it’s called Daybreakers, the Warriors of Good or Light), it has been combined...

“Russian Spring” Fails in East from Donetsk

Our sources in the east have reported that what has been marketed by the pro-Russian supporters as the “Russian Spring” in Donetsk, has collapsed. More...

Ukraine – Not Over Yet

  The propaganda never stops from both sides and to get at the truth just reading the press is next to impossible. The Russians keep touting this was a US...

Boeing Ending Pension Plans

We are is the most serious crisis when it comes to pension plans. They simply do not work, are too expensive, and will collapse of their own weight. This is the...

Smart Investors Fleeing Municipal Bond Markets

Investors are smarter than the fund managers on many occasions. They have been bailing out of the municipal bond markets for the last year. This is one of our...

Yanukovych is in Moscow Hospital

The information we had that Yanukovych suffered a heart attack appears to have been correct. Several reports are coming in that he survived, but is now in a Moscow...

Global Market Watch for – March 6th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of March 6th, 2014. Global Market...

Indefinite Detention Struck Down as Unconstitutional

Judge Katherine B. Forrest of the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York issued a permanent injunction barring the government from...

Obama’s Handling of the Rise in Global Revolutions

Here is a decent piece from BBC News on Obama and how he has handled more rising civil unrest than any other president. This is what our model is all about. There...