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Where is Global Warming When We Need It?

NASA has recorded the coldest temperature ever -135.4 degrees (-93 c) in Antarctica. You cannot even breath at that temperature. We have record snow falls and...

Global Market Watch Dec 9th

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of December 9th, 2013....

Global Correlation Model

The Global Correlation Model is nearly finished. Hopefully, by the conference in Princeton we will have access up and running where questions can be presented to...

Princeton Economics International Website

Our institutional Website is under construction at PrincetonEconomicsIntl.COM. If for any reason this site should go down, please use this as a back-up. Additional...

Cycles of War & Revolution

The Cycles of War is going out today. It also include in 72 pages discussions of the Cycle of Revolution and the distinction between Civil Unrest in this cycle and...

NSA Just Off The Charts

The NSA has been spying on people who play war games on XBox under the theory perhaps some Islamic Terrorist might do so. The NSA has now been reported that...


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong. Does deflation  accompany hoarding of cash and the velocity you speak of declines? Is this the trait that you write about and part of the...

Taxes Alter Behavior

There were two taxes that altered how people lived. There was the Window Tax that inspired row homes in Colonial America. That simply became the standard and long...

NSA & Writs of Assistance

  James Otis (1725-1783) President Obama is supposed to be a Constitutional Lawyer. It is sad he clearly has no respect for the Constitution whatsoever. John...

Global Market Watch Dec 6th

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of December 6th, 2013....