According to reliable sources, The corrupt overthrown president of Ukraine Yanukovich has sent letter to Putin asking him to use Russian military force to invade...
Andrey Vadimovich Makarevich, founder of the Russia’s oldest active rock band Mashina Vremeni (Time Machine), has released a statement on YouTube. I’m very...
Everyone who knows me, knows I was very fond of Margaret Thatcher. We had some very deep conversations that revealed her true character and wisdom. She knew her...
China has come out in support of Russia. This is the real cost of the NSA. Spying on everything has cost America its respect and its allies. Obama is a lawyer,...
Russia is characterizing this event using the bullshit people have posted claiming this was a CIA plot and says anyone who is seeking to defend Ukraine is a threat...
If we do not respect that people have an absolute right to freely protest whatever they object to, then there can be no free speech or a free society. There is no...
COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; I studied at the Citadel Military College where I was introduced in Philosophy to your Economic Confidence Model. They taught it there in...
Two facts about Ukraine that seem to have been overlooked. Ukraine is the site of the famous Chernobyl disaster that took place the 26th of April 1986. To this...
There is little doubt that organizations have manipulated markets and even government. The higher you raise taxes, the higher the level of corruption. This is why I...