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German High Court Introducing More Euro Chaos

Germany is obsessed with hyperinflation just as the US is obsessed with reliving the Great Depression. Neither one even understands their own history. This...

German tourists to be protected by German Police in Greece!

The crazy situation for Greece and Cyprus is their essential reliance upon tourism. To try to keep the German tourists, Greece is allowing German Police to protect...

City Dwellers At Greatest Risk

History stands as witness that those who live in cities are at the greatest risk as we move forward. This is why we see population increases in cities as the...

The Euro

Today fulfilled a possible high being up 17.2 days. The Euro on cash reached about 13358. The major resistance stands at 13485, The Euro volatility should now start...

Attempted Attacks were from Russia

We have implemented fairly sophisticated security on the Swiss site. Plus, even hacking into the site will not reach any computer with models or source code. We...

Swiss Restrict Construction of 2nd Homes for Rentals

Switzerland is restricting the construction of second homes that have been the source of rentals for vacations. This will actually firm up prices by restricting new...

Palladium – Not Gold?

  Palladium has been the one precious metal that everyone overlooks. There is a serious shortage and the production is about 2.2 million ounces compared to 1.8...

Curious Our Site is Being Attacked – NSA?

Subject: ATTACK HAPPENING TO Armstrong Economics Date: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 14:50:16 +0000 We have people now tracing the source & will...

Snowden’s Rude Awakening – USA Does Control Most of the World

Edward Snowden has made a public statement to the China Post. “I am not here to hide from justice; I am here to reveal criminality,” “My intention...

USA – Has it become Reagan’s Definition of an Evil Empire?

The phrase “Evil Empire” was applied to the Soviet Union by U.S. President Ronald Reagan, who characterized the Soviet Union’s strategic and...