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Capitalism or Marxism – That is the Question

The need to educate the masses grows and has never been greater than right now. Frustration has Londoners rioting for freedom and against “capitalism”....

Mailing Cash is Prohibited in USA – France Bars Even Gold

The US prohibits mailing cash at the Post Office. Anything mailed out of the USA must be declared as to the contents of the package. When I asked WHY? They said...

US Politicians Out of Touch with Reality – Euro Rally

The outrage of the US sucking up everything and storing it is classic George Orwell. The Republican leader is also a disgrace. This is how stupid he is calling...

Congress wants Snowden’s Head – Not the NSA!

This is why we have to crash and burn. Congress is beyond hope be it Democrat or Republican – it is always them against the people. Congress wants to imprison...

The Future of the World Economy – Les misérables

Germany’s constitutional court has begun its hearing over the legality of the European Central Bank’s bond buying program today. The German high court...

Paranoid or Conservative

Securing Phone Calls and Emails should no longer be for the paranoid, but good old fashion conservative business & personal practices as long as people line...

Capitol Hill

Will be able to report more completely. Have been in discussions with members on Capitol Hill trying to get a sense if this crisis in NSA is being taken as serious...

France Declares Victory Over Entire Eurozone Crisis

Hollande is truly a legend in his own mind. This above all demonstrates that we are dealing with politicians everywhere who are clinging to old ideas and are...

Bangkok Speech November 7, 2012

  For the Average...

It took the British Press to Defend the US Constitution

Edward Snowden is a courageous young man who the Gaurdian revealed was their source. The NSA and Eric Holder, if true to form, will seek life imprisonment as they...