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NSA Surveillance – No Longer a Conspiracy Theory

The NSA is storing absolutely everything. Every time you type a search into Google, the NSA knows. This is what the storage in Utah is all about. If you would like...

Civil Unrest Rising in Germany

In Germany, violent clashes with police have emerged as protesters against the policies of the ECB have erupted. The politicians cannot see what they are doing. By...

NY Judge Dismisses $1.7 Billion Lawsuit Against Bank of America

New York U.S. District Robert Sweet dismissed a lawsuit brought by two foreign banks against a US bank for $1.7 billion. Whatever you file in NYC against a US bank...

Why the Survelience is Very Dangerous

The cover-up that is coming out of the White House is serious. Claiming nobody is listening to your phone calls is irrelevant – computers do and they are not...

EU Moving LIBOR to Paris

  Bank of France EU Commission is preparing to move the Libor rate fixing from the UK regulatory system to Paris where the EU Commission can control the free...

Political Trivia Test – Can You Pass It?

A little trivia to see how much history you know or wish to guess at. If you don’t know the answer make your best guess. Answer all the questions before...

Philadelphia Forced to Layoff 3783 School Workers

This is what is taking place at the state and local level. They cannot print money like the Feds. Therefore, budget cuts are resulting in higher unemployment coming...

Unemployment Benefits Cut – Part of Deflation

This is how Deflation operates. The budget cuts are impacting the unemployment benefits which have been cut to the states and how they pass that on will vary....

Obama Double Talk

To publicly state that “nobody” is listening to your phone calls is not critical. They have trained computers to do that. So yes, there is no...

2015 Peak in Solar Storms

Is 2015 also lining up with the major cycle in solar storms? Could this wipe out electricity shutting down the NSA at last for months?...