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Wiemar Republic & Gresham’s Law

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for taking the time to address the questions that I and many others who follow your work have asked. In your most...

IMF Admits It Made a Mistake with Greece

The IMF and German policies as well as those of Obama are absolutely brain dead. These arrogant people are LAWYERS who are clueless when it comes to economics. The...


The Washington Post has uncovered yet more NSA surveillance. They are tapping directly into the internet and monitoring what everyone is doing all the time. They...

It’s Always A Confidence Game

QUESTION: I don’t understand the page 11 comments about German Hyperinflation and that it took place because capital was being hoarded and there was no...

Science Can Manipulate Time

Ok! Here is our solution. We throw a time cloak over top of government and they just vanish. That is practical use of this new invention....

Is Paranoid Becoming Normal?

NSA is collecting ALL phone calls from Verizon under court order....

This is no Time to Quit a Job – US Youth Unemployment hits 16.2%

Unemployment among the youth in the USA has hit 16.2%, more than double the April national rate of 7.5% for adults over 35. We are in the last throes of the dying...

Market Recap

We elected the third minor Daily Bearish Reversal today confirming that the target week of 05/20 should be a temporary high short-term. Gold did not elect any minor...

German Economy Moving into Recession & Civil Unrest Rising

Even the IMF has now revised its forecast for German economic growth down sharply. We have been warning that 2013 Europe will turn NEGATIVE on the GDP growth as a...

Turkey Getting Much Worse

Germany has now issued a travel warning to its citizens regarding any travel to Turkey. Turkey is a NATO country. Things are starting to get much worse as people...