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Russia Begins Collecting Data from international airlines passengers

The Russian government plans to follow the USA collecting extensive data on all foreign airline passengers in the future. The scheme applies to all airlines which...

Search Warrants not Necessary to take your DNA

The Supreme Court ruled they can now take your DNA for any reason whatsoever. They can arrest you for a traffic fine and now take your DNA, which is a map to your...

Greek Crisis Will Get Far Worse

Greece was directed by the EU troika to reduced 4,000 civil servants by the end of 2012, but only reduced the workforce by 99. By the end of 2013 they were supposed...

The Growing Shadow Economy – Politicians Just Don’t Get It

In the EU, some 30 million people work in the shadow economy. The Scandinavian countries are surprisingly higher than the OECD average. The reason is that high...

Mining Profits off by 49% – How to Create the Next Cycle

Part of the reason when commodities must fall is largely due to the fact that a 13 year rally inspired the expansion of production. We saw the same thing develop...

Ignorance & the Destruction of Knowledge

So many of the ancient statutes are headless because religious people assumed they were false gods and destroyed them. The destruction of libraries have been far...

John McCain Voted to Put Taxes on Internet

    I have worked with politicians in Washington for 30 years. It has never been as bad as it is today. There is nobody worthwhile to even speak to...

1984 is here 2014

The primary reason why I have been touting that we no longer need taxation at the federal level is because money is no longer tangible. The evolution of money...

Metal Market Recap

The month end closing for gold was 1392.60 holding the main Month Bearish while electing 1462.50, warning that yes we are still in a correction mode, but crisitcal...

Seniors Are the Greediest Generation

  Alan Simpson, Wyoming Republican Senator who became co-chair of President Obama’s deficit commission, called senior citizens the “Greediest...