I previously warned that the Syrian issue being propelled by Saudi Arabia all over getting their pipeline through Syria to Turkey for Europe, was placing at risk a...
QUESTION: Hello Martin Can you do a trading seminar? Thanks CW ANSWER: Yes the How to Survive Your Own Trading Decision will be a training session for...
QUESTION: From reading your blog, my understanding of your view is that all relationships are in flux with respect to markets and market drivers, except for...
QUESTION: Sir, I enjoy reading your writings and find them extremely thought provoking, and ultimately very common sense to me. I have to say though Iam not sure...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is true that China will stop supporting the dollar and will become a net seller? The Goldbugs are claiming the dollar is dead buy gold....
Medal of Queen Ann Celebrating the Union of England and Scotland 1707 QUESTION: Dear Mr Armstrong, It’s great to read you blog and get an insight as...
A number of people have made inquiries as to the “rebound” we had forecast between 2012 and 2015 and the crash thereafter. This rebound is being led but...