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Progress Report on Model & Services

  This has been a long-time coming and we greatly appreciate everyone’s patience. The progress we have made will blow most people’s minds. You will...

Are Bankers Committing Suicide For a Connected Reason?

  The string of suicides among the leading bank employees is indicative of the change in trend. The major Wall Street banks including Bank of America, Goldman...

ECM Historical Dates

  Those that ask about the Dates of the Economic Confidence Model going back in time and forward should look at the page under the model that provides that...

Ukraine Mercenaries Attack Protesters Killing at Least 5

Ukrainian riot police who are basically mercenaries attacked the protesters and at least 5 are dead. The 12-week-old protests against President Viktor Yanukovich...

Global Warming & Snow Everywhere – Proof now of Global Warming? They Never Heard about Thermodynamics

COMMENT: Sir, Living in Switzerland and being aware of the little ice age that extended the local glaciers to significantly lower elevations, I was curious to look...

Thailand – Crisis on Confidence Leads to Bank Crisis

The crisis in Thailand continues to expand. There has been a run of the banks and now the state-owned Bank for Agriculture and Agricultural Cooperatives (BAAC)...

Global Market Watch Feb 17th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of February 17th, 2014. Global Market...

Anti-Semitic – Anti-Capitalism & Worldwide War

If you really expect depth to reasoning, you are on the wrong planet. There is a rising tide of anti-semitic and anti-capitalism that has combined to present a...

Bahrain Protest Brings out 10’s of Thousands

Reuters has reported that Tens of thousands of Bahrainis have joined together in a peaceful demonstration on Saturday to mark the third anniversary of an abortive...

Russia to Expand 2017.786

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) formally ceased to exist on December 26, 1991 (1991.986). Three wave of 8.6 years targets when Russia will attempt to...