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Cycle Inversion & Reactions

QUESTION: What is a cycle inversion? This reaction period of 2 to 3 years how do you know it will extend or not? ANSWER: Cycles are turning points in time. You...

Interest Rates

QUESTION: You said interest rates may start to rise in 2013. Is that still on track? ANSWER: The major high in interest rates took place 1981.35. The typical...

Russia moved warships into the Mediterranean

Next week everyone seems to be moving into the Mediterranean for the week of May 20th, This is getting very interesting....

Forecasting Reports

We hope to have the trading recommendation reports by by the end of the summer now that everything is moved to Switzerland. Since next week is a key target week in...

Germany Imposing a Glass-Steagall-Like Act with Teeth

Germany is drawing a bright line between proprietary trading in banks and customer deposits. They are not merely separating the two, but they imposed criminal...

Part II Metals Report Goes Out Today

In here is the long-term view for gold using the database back to 1264. The prospects for gold bottoming in 2013 are not dead yet. There was a chance for a low in...

When the Fundamentals are Confusing

Thank you for all the fan mail on the Dow to offset the hate mail on the metals. The objective is to expose the real world we live in and how domestic policy...

The Gold Hate Mail

The trend in the hate mail is getting interesting. Now just the typical mantra concerns how money has to be tangible like some savings account yet investments will...

Religious Right Rising in Russia

They are actually trying to passed what is being called the ‘Blasphemy Bill’...

Migration to Germany

Politicians just do not understand that you cannot just write laws and expect everyone to follow. They are just so ignorant of the consequences of their actions. I...