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The Government of Russia & Ukraine are not the People of Either Country

No matter what country we look at be it Russia, Cuba, China, or North Korean, there is a formidable difference between the PEOPLE and the GOVERNMENT – for...

Understanding Intelligence

QUESTIONS: Several questions have asked the same thing. First, for understanding terms, look at out Glossary, Trading Terms, and Monetary Terms. Regarding the...

Global Market Watch Update for Jan 30th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of January 30th, 2014. Global Market...

Thailand Anti-Government Corruption

The anti-government protests in Thailand are against corruption. This is the same trend we are seeing in Ukraine and will erupt in Europe, Japan, and then...

The Shocking Truth in Ukraine Mainstream Will Not Report – There is a Chance to be Free At Last

The significance of Ukraine is far beyond what the mainstream press has dared to even portray. This is how Empires, Nations, and City States eventually collapse....

The Real Threat to American Liberty – Clapper

  James Clapper has effectively testified that the entire world is a threat – at least in his mind. “We face an enduring threat to US interests...

The Political Turning Point

People do not quite appreciate the real core problem in politics. Listening to the extreme biased political hacks of TV creates the illusion that there are really...

Cycles & Obama’s Tax-Free Bonds

COMMENT:  Mr. Armstrong, I just wanted to say thank you. I’m basically a nobody except to my 5 children and wife (that’s all that matters to me...

Global Market Watch Jan 28th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of January 28th, 2014. Global Market...

Turkey Raises Overnight Rates to 12%

The central bank of Turkey raised its OVERNIGHT LENDING RATE TO 12.00% – this is up from 7.75%. This is indicative of the other side of the coin with high...