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Trying To Trade

Because governments are trying to hunt down the “rich” in their desperate move for money, they are really destroying the world economy. A European...

Europe Plans the Confiscation of Depositor Assets

There really is no other word for politicians but brain-dead. They cannot understand that what they are doing is the destruction of the economy. They created the...

IRS Wants Everything

I retired from the gold business because I was one of the biggest market makers – one of the top 3 for the 1980 event. The IRS walked in and said that their...

The Market Update

The Dow keeps pressing higher as the talking heads keep questioning why. Gold presses lower and Gold is below the 1400 level. A closing below 1402.50 on June today...

IRS Targeted Liberals Under Bush

It is now being openly talked about that Bush had the IRS target the NAACP and  Greenpeace. This is somehow suppose to be justification for Obama. The problem is...

European Recession Getting Far Worse

The economic prospects for Europe are impossible to return to any real recovery. We are looking at a long-depression for Europe that will not bottom for 23-26 years...

Why Understanding is Critical

Understanding that there is no grand conspiracy to systemically suppress gold is actually vital as is to understand the true nature of money. If you do not grasp...

The European Shift PUBLIC to PRIVATE

Investment inside Europe has been shifting in very interesting ways. The pension funds have shifted their sovereign debt holdings to predominantly Germany, which...

Justice Department Spies on Associated Press

This latest scandal that the Justice Department in fact secretly collected two months of telephone records for reporters and editors at the Associated Press,...

Shifts in Pensions

The biggest fund in the world was the Japanese Postal Savings Fund in 1989. When we were called in to create a hedging program about 6 months before the high, it...