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Difference Between S&P & the Dow

QUESTION: Martin I  find it interesting how the ECM shows The DOW at three green largely pressing higher for daily. Weekly and monthly BUT the SP is turning red...

Shell Game – Is Deflation Possible?

QUESTION: How is deflation even possible when the Fed could simply throw money from helicopters or create it from thin air with computers? ANSWER: Everyone watches...

Expect Riots & Rise of Nationalism After 2015.75 To Pick Up Steam

Politicians are preparing for the worse everywhere you look. We forget so quickly that the American Revolution slogan was what – No Taxation Without...


QUESTION: Marty, If this discussion is happening in Newport Beach, CA, one of the richest cities in the US, how can any US city survive the pension crisis? ANSWER:...

QE or Austerity? Is there a 3rd Alternative?

QUESTION: In your writings you seem to be both against QE and against Austerity. What then is the third way? How do we get out of this high debt, high deficit, low...

China’s Reform Push for 2020

China has vowed to push toward free markets and to allow them to take a more dominant role in developing the economy – its reform for 2020. When I was invited...

Rise of Dictatorship in Germany

  Germany is turning seriously against Democracy at every chance it gets. It is now flirting with the Dictatorship and its State Police are to monitor the...

Swiss Looking to Limit Executive Pay

The Swiss are known for their frugality. When it comes to executive pay, they are voting on executive pay being limited to 12 times that of the lowest paid...

US Will Pass Russia by 2015 as Top Oil Producer

It is reported that the U.S. will surpass Russia as the world’s top oil producer by 2015, and be close to energy self-sufficiency in the next two decades. This is...

Google Wins Searchable Books

Google won in the SDNY and may now make millions of copyrighted scanned books searchable on the Internet. A New York judge Denny Chin of the SDNY dismissed a...