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The Dow

There have been a number of questions about the Dow and isn’t it a major high when the central banks are buying? No! There is a huge problem in the reserves...

The Mad Max Outcome

A number of readers have asked doesn’t gold survive a Mad Max event? Historically, the answer to that is no. Dark Ages seem to be the total collapse of all...

Broadcasting From Switzerland – Free At Last

Everything has been moved to Switzerland for security purposes where a new day now dawns. We NEVER sell client names, and will always defend the privacy of our...

Metals Report

Questions concerning our historical chart on gold 1264-to date showing the Black Death Channel from where the Free Markets began has been updated and will be in the...


A Journalist at the New York Times discovered how Wikipedia is abused by rivals and even the government. They allow anyone to change anything on living people and...

Beware The Crazy Weather

With May likely to be the coldest on record for decades, this generally correlates to greater storms during the Hurricane season. The worst on record was the 1938...

GATA & GOLD & Manipulations

Why people seem to think that I disagree with GATA I am not sure. I have had contact with Bill and Chris since at least 1999 over the years casually – not...

Gold – the Plain Technical Truth no Bullish

Gold trades technically not fundamentally. Why there are so many gold promoters selling fundamental gibberish is amazing. To me this is suspicious. They are so...

Birth Rate Declines With Higher Taxes & Is Hollywood To Blame for Divorce?

When we asked the computer to look at population, there was a remarkable correlation to taxation. The higher the taxes, the lower the birth rate. Indeed, this...

Austrian Gov’t Corruption – So What’s New?

In Austria, there is the new airport terminal check-in 3, formerly called Skylink, which is the country’s largest building scandal. Depreciation by...