A United Nation study has reported that about 206 million people are now unemployed. This is the cost of socialism taxing the rich so there is no job creation with...
The violence in Bangkok is mounting. This is an effort by some to overthrow the government as a weekend just past with violence in the capital city of...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; One of the criticisms of you is that you support the idea of a central bank. Your view that Andrew Jackson destroyed the central...
The New Global Market Watch is up. You can click on the link below and then click of any individual market in the GMW page. This will take you to the second...
Protests are going on right now in Kiev. The government is using water canons and flash grenades against the youth. The government in power is determined to...
COMMENT: Like many, panicked out of market in October ’08, (lost on stocks value and currency) and did not get back in properly. Sovereign debt crises...
We are working this weekend to get new features up for the sites. We are setting up the payment systems and automatic downloads for purchases, the layered...
QUESTION: Marty; Have you got your Asset Allocation models up and running? We would like to come to the Conference if you will be doing what you use to do for us...
In Spain, people are just fed up with the collapse in government and this is now spreading to the local city governments that cannot afford the projects they...