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Its Global – Even The Brady Commission Revealed that in 1987

I have told the story how after objecting to the formation of G5 in 1985 warning that they would increase volatility, create a crash within 2 years (2.15 years),...

Asians See things in Cycles

Is America turn back toward Isolationism?...

VIX & Volatility Ahead

QUESTION: Do you run your model on the VIX and can you run your volatility you illustrated at the Princeton Seminar on volatility? ANSWER: Yes. It does not matter....

Countertrend Reaction v Reaction

QUESTION: You seem to be the only person who distinguishes between a “countertrend reaction” and a “reaction”. Can you illustrate the...

Site is Being Moved to Switzerland

The site and blog are moving to Switzerland for security purposes. The main site there is Princeton-Economics.COM. This site will be redirected for the blog and we...

Real Estate beats Gold as #1 Investment & Euro Yen Recap

Land Auction Great Depression The Gallup Poll is out surveying the investment sentiment of American investors. Gold has held that top slot up until now. Gold has...


The Euro peaked in two weeks, fell back, and has rallied into this week. Nonetheless, key resistance still remains unchanged in the 13400 zone and the turning...

May – Tis the Season for Protests in Europe

The May protests in Europe are going by the slogan “fight against the king in Brussels”. Politicians are clueless. All they see is retaining their jobs...

Interest Rate & Deficits – The Real Crisis

Many academics are truly amazing. They talk in circles, assume they are far above everyone else, and thus pontificate from the Ivory Tower without ever stepping...

Stock Buy Backs – Bad Idea

Apple sells $17 billion in bonds in record deal on Tuesday to initiate dividends and to buy-back shares because the stock has crashed. Buying stock is an...