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DEI Definition

COMMENT: Hi Marty. Thank you for teaching us and writing the code for Socrates. I think I may have figured out DEI… Danger, Entering Idiocracy lol, yet not...

Market Talk – July 26, 2024

ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today: NIKKEI 225 decreased 202.10 points or -0.53% to 37,667.41 Shanghai increased 4.16 points or 0.14%...

It’s a Recession Not a Depression

The government insists that the economy is fine, thriving perhaps, and has asked the public to pay no mind to their current financial situation. No one, aside from...

China turns Neutral?

Ukraine Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba and Chinese counterpart Wang Yi in Guangzhou met to discuss China’s position on the Russia-Ukraine war. China stated it is...

Never Trust the Secret Service since Elite Bodyguards have a History of Assassinating Heads of State?

I have reported how President Richard Nixon had threatened the head of the CIA, saying: “I know who killed JFK.” When he was driven out of office, Nixon...

Market Talk – July 25, 2024

ASIA:   The major Asian stock markets had a negative day today: NIKKEI 225 decreased 1,285.34 points or -3.28% to 37,869.51 Shanghai decreased 15.21 points or...

Kamala is the Elite’s Candidate – Get Over it

What I am hearing coming down from the Democratic political elites is, DO NOT CHALLENGE KAMALA. Do so at your peril. She checks more boxes than Hillary and has $100...

June Home Sales Drop in Line with ECM

I noted that real estate in the United States would turn into a buyer’s market in May 2024 going into August 2028 in a reversal from the buyer’s market we’ve...