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Breach of Security

People should know what is really going on in technology. Windows 8 did more than remove the Start Menu, they replaced it with the Start Screen, which reports to...

Hoarding Alternative Money & Reforming Banks

Argentina is going through the classic stages of economic collapse. The government seized all pensions. They are destroying everything that gives the people...

Spiral Panic

QUESTION: “I would be interested in your answers to the following: 1. Why do diamonds not have a futures market? 2. What do you think would happen to the...

Dow & The Future

The Dow Jones Industrials basis the cash has been moving up reaching 14932.68 during the week of April 8th. Next week is the key turning point followed by the week...

Correlations & Who Is To Blame

QUESTION: If the dollar rises, does that not mandate a gold decline or can they rally together? ANSWER: Although everything is cast in this world as some sort of...

Central Banks & Gold

QUESTION: “You wrote ‘Some central banks appear poised to sell gold to raise money given they have no intent to return to a gold standard.’ Which...

Obama Sets the Stage For The Next Recession

Obama is never done raising taxes. He is a lawyer – not an economist. He and the Democrats are just hopeless. No matter what you show them, they are just out...

Central Banks Buying Shares & Selling Gold?

What is interesting is that those who manage the more than $11 trillion in reserves for central banks know more than what they are revealing. Previously, on April...

Back to the Future

Of course Back to the Future was the name of a very popular series of movies. But in reality, Einstein believed that the Future, Past, and Present were all...

The Gold Rally

Gold closed on June at 1467.5. We should see a rally continue into early next week to retest the main channel from which it broke  at the 1503 area. The important...