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Super-Cycles How to Detect & Do they Exist

QUESTION & OBSERVATION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, Thank you so much for your public work. I was turned on to your work a few years ago while you were still writing...

Global Market Watch for January 7th, 2014

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of January 6th, 2014....

NSA is Way Out of Control

In a satellite deal between France and UAE, it was discovered that they included US components that would allow the US to intercept all communications with the...

Divine Design

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Following your your posts has become a favorite hobby of mine.  I just graduated with a degree in economics but it is your work that has...

1000s Protesting in Hong Kong for Democracy

Literally tens of thousands of people have come to protest in Hong Kong against China’s attempt to control the outcome of a planned direct election for the...

Separatist Movements are Also Alive in the USA – Goodbye California?

I have reported how there are separatist movements cropping up all over the place. We will see Scotland come to a vote this year in 2014 about separating from the...

Creating a Natural Hedge

QUESTION: Sir, like many others I was fleeced with the gold as money story and took my losses and moved on, particularly as I ingrained the principles of investing...

Are They Really Going After Everyone?

They have now turned their focus in Spain on the Royal family. Yes, Princess Infanta Cristina has been summoned into court over money laundering and fraud. Today,...

Europe – What Crisis? DAX At New Highs

Many European shares have been the best performers in 2013 and the general optimism in Europe for 2014 is far more bullish than in the USA. Even Reuters’ poll...

Global Market Watch January 6th

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of January 6th, 2014....