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Nigel Farage Unplugged today!!!!!

Nigel is absolutely fantastic. There are a few good ones in government. Not many! But we do have to stick together!!!!! Nigel is spectacular....

Dow Getting Tired

The Dow is starting to get a little tired on the daily level. The Uptrend Channel rests at 14568. A daily closing below 14450 will signal a correction short-term....

Will Pension Funds Be the Target after 2016 to Seize for Our Protection?

There are actually people hinting behind the curtain that the Feds should take over all pension plans. I suppose they can then manage them like they do Social...

Gold & The Conspiracy Theories – What About ETFs?

As always, when it comes to gold, the conspiracy theories lead the way desperately trying to explain why the gold promoters were never wrong, so buy more now to...

ECB Claims South is Richer than North = No Bailouts

The ECB has made a study a few days ago claiming that those in Southern Europe are richer than those in Germany to support the view that no more bailouts will take...

Gold still in Denial?

The traditional gold promoters are out in force claiming manipulation. Then there is the authoritative good one: sell offs like this take place when gold stocks...

Metal Report 2013

The 2013 Metals Report covering Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, and Copper. This special report covers the possibility of a 5 Year Bear Market into 2016 but...

Europe To Begin Capital Controls Soon

One of the solid rumors behind the curtain that has sparked even movement of gold supplies as some are now leaving for even Asia, is Europe is moving toward global...

Gold on the 17.2 Day Decline

Gold fell after NY close to 1321.5 in Asia holding the target at 1310. The Weekly Breakline for this week is 1398.6 and this will provide CLOSING resistance at...

Why Eliminate Professional Politicians

This is not a theory I woke up with one day. This is my first hand experience working with politicians around the world. It has become progressively worse year...