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History Repeats – Even for Popes

It is being reported that millionaires are now starting to curb their donations to the Catholic Church because of the Pope’s Marxist views that are clearly...

The Coming 2014 Expropriation of 10% of Everyone’s Accounts

Anyone who thinks it is a fantasy that government will simply just confiscate 10% of everyone’s accounts in Europe better have another look at the fool they...

Long-term (decades) v Short-Term Investing

QUESTION: “If gold and silver are such a bad investment, why are there so many “we buy gold and silver” shops opening up in my town (Dallas, TX)?...

Iceland – The First to Fall – The First to Rise

QUESTION: Greetings from Iceland! Thank you for all the material you post on your blog! I wish I had come across your writings 40 years ago instead of just...

Pravada Predicts Russia will Restore Soviet Union by 2025

Russian Pravda is reporting that the Soviet Union will be resurrected by 2025. The truth about this, unfortunately, Europe is collapsing because of the socialism...

Turning Risk Management on its Head

QUESTION: Hello Marty; I am looking forward to your training conference. Will you be going over your Risk Management program you use to demonstrate in Tokyo in...

Why We Should Be Concerned About NSA

The revelations that Snowden has shown the world has exposed a real conspiracy against the people. It is not dark sinister groups trying to collapse the economy to...

Is Anyone Really in Charge?

COMMENT: Hi Marty I think your take on conspiracy theories is refreshing especially to someone like me who is little leaning towards them.   While I am happy to...

Global Market Watch Dec 31, 2013

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of December 31st, 2013....

My Long-Term Goals

QUESTION: The cycles are real and impressive, but very hard to calculate without you telling us the dates/time frames. Therefore, if something ever happened to you...