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Wealth tax to pay for EU bailouts?

The British Telegraph reported the comments of Professor Peter Bofinger, an adviser to Angela Merkel, that he made in Der Spiegel, demonstrating just how...

Cyprus Agrees to Turnover All Banking Records

Money-laundering experts from the Council of Europe and financial will now get their hands of all historical banking records of Cyprus. Eurozone...

Gold Inventories Shifting to Europe

Gold has been on the move to Europe causing the COMEX inventory to decline. While the inventory level is one thing the market manipulators play with to get everyone...

Public Notice of Back-Up in Switzerland

Just in case there are attacks to shut down this site, go to our Swiss Servers. Princeton-Economics.COM That is not fully operational as yet, but it will be a back...

The End of Everything Has Arrived

A new EU Directive provides that compulsory levies in Cyprus will be charged over the weekend. At a meeting of EU finance ministers in Dublin, Commissioner Michel...

Cyprus Going Insane

Politicians simply do not even understand what they are doing. In Cyprus, they claim next week they will allow transactions of €300,000, but they are arresting...

The Fast Track to Self-Destruction

All the governments are now banning together to attack anyone with an offshore account. All they see is taxes, taxes, and more taxes. They are blind to the massive...

Join the Real Goldbug Movement

It is time to really understand what makes gold and silver rise and fall. Enough of the nonsense about HYPERINFLATION. Even the Bible instructs that there is a TIME...

France is Pushing For Tax Evasion to be TOP EU Priority – Hitler Returns

France is just insane. It is a dying corpse lashing out against its own people and taking the rest of the world with them. They cannot see anything but their own...

France is Destroying the European Economy

What part of Marxism do these politicians fail to understand? The problem seems to stem from the fact that most are lawyers. They know how to write laws and...