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Gold – Reality Check

I remain long-term bullish on gold which is the HEDGE against government – not inflation. This nonsense of fiat and all that bullshit sounds good. But that...

Gold Intraday Bullish Reversal

We will send out a special report today on the close for those entitled to the 2013 Metals Report. Suffice it to say, the intraday Bullish Reversal on the 5 minute...

Metals 2013 Report Available Next Week $300

Due to the avalanche of emails requesting the Metal 2013 Forecasting Report, It will be emailed out next week covering Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium, &...

Gold Has Broke

We are at last starting to shake the weak longs out of the tree. So much for fiat and other nonsense. The largest short in history is to be found in the dollar....

Government Pensions Will Cost $2,500 Per Household & Climbing

The crisis we face is the collapse of society because those in government have been greedy and lined their pockets with our labor. On average, we are approaching...

Debt is Deferred Taxation & Why The Fed’s Expansion was not Inflationary

Everything functions in a dynamic world – not in a one dimensional vacuum. The expansion of the money supply by the Fed of $3 trillion was NOT inflationary...

Fitch downgrades China’s In ANTICIPATION

The Fitch downgrade of China’s credit rating is interesting because it is ANTICIPATING that China will have to bailout the state and local governments as well as...

Your Emails Can be Seized No Problem

Recently the American Civil Liberties Union under a Freedom of Information Act request got internal documents of the IRS that take the position that the IRS...

NY Court Holds you Cannot Sue SEC in Madoff

Judge Laura Taylor Swain in Manhattan threw out a $2.5 million lawsuit when investors tried to sue the SEC for damages because they failed to do their job when so...

Making Gold & Silver Legal Tender

Several lawmakers in the United States are now considering making gold and silver coins legal tender amid fears that the Federal Reserve’s monetary policies may...