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NSA Has Undermined the World Economy

Snowden deserves the Medal of Honor because the NSA in their greed to be able to hack everyone, has undermined the entire economy globally. They created intentional...

deja vu – Austria All Over Again

The bank that failed and began a run that resulted in the collapse of Europe debt markets back in the Great Depression was Credit Anstalt in 1931. The Rothschilds...

The Debt Ceiling Crisis

As people are arguing that there is a 40% chance of a government shut down and a default on US debt, the House Republicans are circulating proposals to kickstart...

An Australian Senator Comments on Socialism

COMMENT FROM AN AUSTRALIAN SENATOR Mr Armstrong, I have been following your work for many years (back through the PEI days) when I was working in the ……...

Now it’s the Debt Ceiling

Now the focus will be the US debt issue going into early October. The dollar fell and world shares held near a one-week low as concerns over a potential government...

LIBOR Scandal is Criminal not Mortgage Scandal

The US DoJ is expected to file criminal charges against the employees/individuals in the Libor affair – not the 2007 Mortgage scandal that did seriously...

There is No Going Back – NSA is here to Endure

The NSA has become the American Stasi equivalent to the Ministry for State Security (German: Ministerium für Staatssicherheit, MfS). The NSA is very much the...

Collectables – Still Strong

The US rare coin market remains strong and is a “movable” asset class as is the case with ancient coins. A rare US $4 dollar “Coiled Hair...

Politicians Are the Greatest Threat to our Survival

Democratic Senator leader Harry Reid told the press that “Republicans obsessed with defunding health care reform are pushing us closer and closer to a government...

Merkel Won – Not Europe

The tragic saga of Europe is that Merkel’s victory means no change for Europe. The September elections may have surprisingly given Merkel’s party a near...