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Gold Update

Gold has got a lot of people all excited. Any up tick and they pronounce here we go as always ignoring everything else in the world. The Daily Bullish were...

It’s a Matter of Confidence

QUESTION: From reading your blog, my understanding of your view is that all relationships are in flux with respect to markets and market drivers, except for...

DOW Market Update

So far, everything has still followed the turning points. We got the fall in the US Share Market into early September and the bounce has been very strong. This is...

So what’s Going On Down on the Hill

It looks like we are headed to a shut down. The House will pass a Continuing Resolution for the debt ceiling, but they will include no funding for Obamacare. Not...

Glen Downs Joining Our Blog

Glen Downs is a Chief of Staff on Capitol Hill working there for nearly 30 years. Glen sees what is coming and is also deeply concerned. He will be the first to...

Wow – What a Response

Sometimes I write something I think is fairly common knowledge among professionals and what comes back is astonishing. Our professional readers have poured in...

Why Conspiracy Theories Are Total Rubbish

The assumption behind any conspiracy theory lies the idea that people act according to the LONG-TERM expectations. Unfortunately, just as you will one day pray for...

Behind the Stories – There is the Truth

COMMENT FROM ONE OF OUR MAJOR HEAD INSTITUTIONAL TRADERS Hi Marty, Looking at your blog I am surprised you ever have time to sleep! Your last article about...

Government Will Seize All Pension Funds Globally – In the US that will Include 401Ks

Argentina did it. Poland will take over and cancel its government bonds held by its privately managed pension funds. This will stop just shy of actually...

Pensions in Alberta – Same Problem

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I enjoy reading your blog everyday, and thank you for your thoughts and for sharing your expertise.  This article which just appeared on...