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Finland Debt Ratio Blowing Out

Finland is the latest country to illustrate that the Sovereign Debt Crisis is alive and well. The economy in Finland is in recession as is most of the Eurozone. For...


    Our Jeweler is making up these 3rd century coins for Xmas. We will have less than 100 available so they are on a first come first serve...

More on the Plot to Seize Russia by Safra

The stories that Putin is the richest man in the world are nonsense emerging from Stanislav Belkovsky who is a former computer programmer turned political...

Taxes & Unions

Labor unions have been Marxist by design. Anything that attempts to flat-line the economy will fail. It is a business cycle that is at the very least impacted by...

Is the Euro Dying?

After election day, Angela Merkel plans a significant change as she will lack a majority of Germans really behind her and she has always changed direction with the...

Who is Buying US Bonds?

There is only one country that has bought massive long-term U.S. bonds in July and that was Japan. They bought the incredible amount of long-term bonds totaling $52...

JP Morgan to Pay $800 million fine

J.P. Morgan will pay a record fine with cheap central bank money in connection with the scandal of the “London Whale” J.P. Morgan must pay at least $...

France wants Germany to Pay Its Unemployment Costs – When will this End

The French Finance Minister Pierre Moscovici wants a common European unemployment insurance to be established. The French have difficulties to cover the high cost...

Summer’s Withdrawal – No Surprise

QUESTION: You said all along Yellen would be in. Why? ANSWER: The markets have cheered the news that Larry Summers would not replace outgoing Fed Chairman Ben...

Obama Repeals Law Against Funding Terrorists For Himself

  Obama has waived the ban on arming terrorists to allow aid to Syrian opposition. How much money has been confiscated in the USA for allegations of funding...