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Obamacare – Intentional Screwup or Incompetence?

QUESTION: Is it possible for them to mess-up the Affordable Care Act on purpose to blame private healthcare providers in order to bring about the single payee...

Gold Manipulation?

QUESTION: Hello Mr. Armstrong, You just wrote, “But rationally looking at this, the seller will actually hurt themselves because they are not achieving the...

Hyperinflation – All Just Hype

QUESTION: Marty; I assume I understand the bottom line comes down to hyperinflation is just hype because it assumes the government will honor its promises. If they...

Gold Manipulation or Lack of Liquidity?

On Wednesday there was once again a sharp price fall in gold causing gold trading  to stop for 20 seconds. Naturally people are calling this manipulation. But is...

Is it Alive?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; you are probably the first pioneer in AI. My professor at … mentioned you often. My question is straight forward. Do you believe your...

AI programming techniques

QUESTION:  Martin – I have followed your work since I was in college (circa 2008) and am quite interested in the accuracy of your predictions. As a computer...

The Bitcoin Hearing

The Chairman of the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Tom Carper gathered a witness list for the hearing that went on for several...

Fracking Causes Earthquakes?

The preliminary evidence that continues to come in implies that fracking is causing earthquakes. I reported on this after some first hand investigation with people...

Global Market Watch Nov 19th Posted

The Global Market Watch has been posted for the close of November 19, 2013....

Latvia Joins Euro

On Jan. 1, 2014, Latvia will adopt the euro and another currency bites the dust. The lats currency will be gone and we must say farewell to the fulsomely bearded...