The Austerity measures in Spain have resulted in heaps of garbage all over the place as state workers go on strike for 11 days. Yes, Spain has been forced to layoff...
The interesting aspect of the Fairness Study is pretty much the Democratic and Socialist Agenda. Animals expect to be treated fairly for the same work. Here are two...
QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; It is becoming very obvious who China is listening to. You said China should bypass the NY banks and go directly to the Treasury. They did....
QUESTION: “Remember the 309 Year Cycle in Russia is due 2020. Still must have the Report on it somewhere.Maybe time to Digg it up. Was a good call way back in...
QUESTION: Martin I find it interesting how the ECM shows The DOW at three green largely pressing higher for daily. Weekly and monthly BUT the SP is turning red...
QUESTION: How is deflation even possible when the Fed could simply throw money from helicopters or create it from thin air with computers? ANSWER: Everyone watches...
Politicians are preparing for the worse everywhere you look. We forget so quickly that the American Revolution slogan was what – No Taxation Without...
QUESTION: Marty, If this discussion is happening in Newport Beach, CA, one of the richest cities in the US, how can any US city survive the pension crisis? ANSWER:...