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Coming ECM Book & 64 Year Gold Cycle

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Martin Armstrong: I´m writing to you from Santiago of Chile, to congratulate you for your amazing research, about the Economic Confidence Model...

Slovakia is Subject to EU Bail-Ins & IMF Seizures

QUESTION: Will Slovakia also enter into the Bail-in dilemma ? This since most of the Slovakian Banks were taken over by Austrian Banks…. AND as is clear...

Arafat was Politcaly Assassinated

Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat was actually poisoned in 2004 with radioactive polonium, his widow Suha has revealed. She received the results of Swiss forensic...

Why Snowden Should Stay in Russia

The West is never kind to whistleblowers.. The case of Mordechai Vanunu (also known as John Crossman) is one of the worst treatments of a person who sought to tell...

Socialism Brought Home

An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had...

Global Market Watch for Nov 6th, 2013

  Covering Eastern & Western Europe – Middle East – North & South America – North & South East Asia – India The Most...

Apple has Revealed Details of Gov’t Requests for Info

Apple has revealed details of requests it has received from governments across the globe to share customer data. The requests are in the thousands. There should be...

Million Mask March

Protesters gather around the world for the Million Mask March in more than 400 cities that were planned to coincide with Guy Fawkes Day in Britain. Just wait...

Commodities Trade Differently & Always Have

  QUESTION: You said gold trades in bursts? This seems to explain the nonlinear patterns you speak of. Is this correct? ANSWER: All commodities, including...