There is no government that has prosecuted its citizens more than the United States. The USA has more people in prison than Europe, China, and Russia nearly even...
The Guardian has now revealed that the NSA paid millions of dollars to Microsoft, Google, Yahoo and Facebook to cover the cost of its illegal activity AFTER the...
QUESTION: “Hi Mr. Armstrong, You mentioned before that real estate will decline from 2015.75 and will continue for over 10 years. Do you still feel that...
Brazil Demonstrations There is a possibility of a postponement for the Phase Transition (doubling in value) in the US share market into 2025. A postponement...
COMMENT: Yes you are correct MA Australia is way to socialistic!! This country needs people with brains but those with them don’t want to stay because...
QUESTION: “Hi Mr. Armstrong, I am curious. I take it that you feel the DOW may double into 2015. Yet the SPX looks like it may roll over and crash. Does...
QUESTION: Dear Martin, Thanks for the education, I read every article you post. As a European ex-pat long based in S.E. Asia, I agree that Switzerland is probably...
COMMENT: “You go on and on, in article after article, saying money is not tangible and never has been. Then, you say in some kind of Mad Max world, gold...
QUESTION: “Martin; Isn’t it just as corrupt as the rest of them since UBS and CS bankrupted the economy? And of course the Swiss Central Bank pegged CHF...