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Congress to Investigate What Prosecutors Did to Swartz

They now say they will have a Congressional investigation over the suicide of Aaron Schwartz. The outrage of how the USA prosecutes crimes and then has the audacity...

Isolationism & Violence Is Part of the Cycle

History repeats because indeed the passions of man never change. Crack the economy and what you get is ALWAYS rising anti immigrant movements. Look at the USA...

Why the Presidential Election Shows the Coming Civil Unrest

    The election of 2012 was the nastiest in history. If it was only in the gutter that would have been an improvement. When we see tension like this in...

The Aaron Swartz Suicide is a HUGE Disgrace for MIT Globally The turmoil over MIT &...

The Three Domestic Threats Targeted by USA For 2014

The government is already preparing for the the wave of civil unrest that will hit the USA shore starting in 2014. They have been labelled in a West Point report...

The Trend at a Glance

The desperate need for revenue is tearing the world economy apart. Just as during the Great Depression nations turned toward protectionism, the same trends are...

Dow Jones Industrials Update

The next three weeks will be choppy with the primary targets being the weeks of 01/28, 02/11, and 03/11. We have Weekly Bullish Reversals at 1365810 and 1369790....

Gold the Numbers

The resistance on gold stands at the 1713.50 level. We need to see a closing above that on a daily basis to steady the market at this...

Obama’s Urgent Gun Controls?

In Switzerland, every house must have a gun. It is called national defense. If 3 people in the same day kill with a knife, do we outlaw knives? Everyone is in favor...