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Rediscovery of the Business Cycle

One of the Question at the San Diego Conference was about the acceptance of cycles in the West. In Asia, cycles are part of their religion. In the West, the...

World at a Glance

One of the primary mistakes that the Federal Reserve is making has been to follow the same policy of Japan with exceptionally low interest rates. While the theory...

Weekly Update

Tensions Continue in Greece Tensions in Greece mounted over Greece’s impending need for more financial aid and its plan to make additional budget cuts in order to...

Bangkok & Berlin Conferences

The Bangkok World Economic Conference will be held November 2nd & 3rd. The Berlin World Economic Conference will be held December 1st & 2nd. Please register...

Richest Man in France leaves France

France’s richest man Bernard Arnault is called an asshole by the left-wing French Newspaper Libération as Arnauld seeks Belgian nationality before...

Sovereign Debt Crisis Causing Shift from Public to Private Investment

In an interview with Michael Diekmann, international head of global Allianz insurance concerning their investment strategy, he states publicly that they now avoid...

Civil Unrest – Austerity – Gold

Greetings From Hong Kong. The Sovereign Debt Crisis continues to unfold and governments everywhere are still trying to use short-term measures to solve a systemic...

Eliminating The Constitution

The whole problem with the way government is headed has shown that we need not lose our rights from some foreign army or a terrorist group. The enemy is always...

Weekly Update for 9/15/2012

Germany’s Top Court Gives Green Light Germany’s top constitutional court, as expected, rejected efforts to block a permanent Eurozone rescue fund.  They...

Twitter Yields to Government

A Occupy Wall Street protester’s Twitter account is seized....