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The Federal Reserve has actually done something at last worthy of note. They indicated that they will provide more stimulus for the faltering economy, taking aim...

Anyone Who Thinks It Is Only USA INJUSTICE – THINK AGAIN

This is a huge story of how justice for the people vs a government agency (in this case the police) is served after 23-years and of how the UK police manipulated...

Gold Update 9/12

Gold has taken a pause, but it remains above the key support at 1720. Volatility will start to rise again next week 9/17 and October is a Directional Change. The...

End of Cash

There are so called “Goldbugs” who hate my guts because I disagree with their reasoning why gold will rise and they cannot stand anyone who is a real...

Economic Decline

Pessimism is building as 2013 appears on the horizon. We are likely to see in real terms negative growth with the slowdown spreading even to China. Next year wit...

US Preparing for Civil Unrest

About two weeks ago, the US Special Forces Command was in Minneapolis with a slew of special ops guys and black hawks, conducting “urban war...

Weekly Recap

Eurozone GDP shrinks .2% The gross domestic product of the 17 countries using the euro fell 0.2 percent quarter-on-quarter.  They also revised the year-on-year...

Understanding The Trading Model We have posted one chapter from the How To Survive Your Own Trading Decisions Regarding...

Stagflation – Higher Unemployment with Inflation

The Disappointing jobs growth showing poor figures boosted optimism that the Federal Reserve will act to stimulate the economy next week. The nonfarm payrolls...