COMMENT FROM ONE OF OUR MAJOR HEAD INSTITUTIONAL TRADERS Hi Marty, Looking at your blog I am surprised you ever have time to sleep! Your last article about...
Argentina did it. Poland will take over and cancel its government bonds held by its privately managed pension funds. This will stop just shy of actually...
COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong, I enjoy reading your blog everyday, and thank you for your thoughts and for sharing your expertise. This article which just appeared on...
QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong- You seem to hint that Bernanke didn’t want rates to go up especially when there is a ceiling impasse. Yet, he talked about...
QUESTION: Been reading your writings for over twenty years, enjoying everything. Quick question, in regards to 2015.75 and the time frame for unrest, economic...
Treasury Secretary Jack Lew made the following statement during remarks today before the Economic Club of Washington D.C.: “e are relying on investors from...
The Fed said that it would continue buying bonds at an $85 billion monthly pace for now, expressing concerns that a sharp rise in borrowing costs in recent months...
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy The collapse of Socialism is unfolding before everyone’s eyes – they just ignore it. In the states they manipulate...
German papers are reporting a secret deal of Merkel’s. The Federal Chancellery experts working on the revision of banking supervision have leaked that Angela...