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The Fire is Burning – We Need More Fuel

QUESTION: “Hi Mr. Armstrong,   I am curious. I take it that you feel the DOW may double into 2015. Yet the SPX looks like it may roll over and crash. Does...

Switzerland is beautiful – But the banks are not safe I think anywhere you go these days

QUESTION: Dear Martin, Thanks for the education, I read every article you post. As a European ex-pat long based in S.E. Asia, I agree that Switzerland is probably...

Relationships Are Never Constant – Everything Fluctuates

COMMENT: “You go on and on, in article after article, saying money is not tangible and never has been.  Then, you say in some kind of Mad Max world, gold...

Why Switzerland

QUESTION: “Martin; Isn’t it just as corrupt as the rest of them since UBS and CS bankrupted the economy?  And of course the Swiss Central Bank pegged CHF...

Can the Dow Rally with Declining Bank Stocks – ABSOLUTELY!

QUESTION: “how can you possibly align staying away from bank stocks at the same time thinking there is a possibility the dow doubles in the next 2...

Yes in a Mad Max Dark Age Not Even Gold Has Value

Some nasty comments immediately focus on that statement and as always only emerge from the gold fanatics who will never change their mind about anything no matter...

NSA & Microsoft – Going Down Together?

Steven Ballmer who took the reins of power from Bill Gates, is leaving Microsoft in terrible condition. He raised the price of software tremendously where...

More UK Banking Scandals – They Just Keep Coming

Tn the UK, regulators like the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) are not as bought and paid for as they are in New York. The latest scandal to hit the banking...

Stay Away From NY Bank Stocks

Moodys has implied that they may downgrade the big banks stocks including Goldman Sachs and J.P. Morgan. The reason for this is what I have been reporting that the...

Is there War in the Air?

Inside sources are confirming the rebels staged the attack in Syria 2 days after the UN team got there and it was within 10 minutes of where they were. This is...