A German computer scientist in Switzerland was sentenced to three years in prison, for stealing as an employee of Bank Julius Baer in Zurich, the data of 2,700...
QUESTION: Why do you still advise the billionaires? ANSWER: There is good and bad in every group. I seriously doubt that the NY Investment Bankers will sign up for...
Bloomberg is forced to deal with the whole problem of their news journalists being able to access what clients are actually looking at. We reported previously that...
In Pennsylvania, the companies involved in fracking have been supplying fresh water to the residents because the ground water has been contaminated with gas driving...
QUESTION: The revelations of the NSA ever since your 224 year cycle turned are amazing. Is there precedent for this before in modern history? ANSWER: History...
Gold is still poised to press a touch higher. Monday and Tuesday were daily directional changes and we achieved a high on Monday with a test of support yesterday....
The truth about what is going on in the Middle East is hard to figure out. Nobody really knows. The so called rebels in Syria may be conducting suicide missions...
This week still looks to be the target for at least a temporary low. The Dow has broken the 15000 level with support beginning at the 14825-14805 level. Additional...
The collapse in the Indian rupee illustrates the difference in thinking between government and the people. While India’s central bank has said that it will...
We are at the stage of complete moronism because government cannot see that it is the entire Marxist-Keynesian centralized control that is collapsing. Greece will...