Bernanke told the Senate Banking Committee who would never prosecute Goldman Sachs because they would all love to get an honorary job there for retirement, that...
Political wisdom over the centuries was purchased with the blood and bitter experience of generations upon generations. The rule of law use to be prior to the...
This is precisely what we are talking about. The rise in unemployment will be furthered by the continued collapse in state revenue that will force reductions in...
The New York Second Circuit Court of Appeals is the most ruthless court in the country. They have just overruled a district court judge who PREVENTED indefinite...
QUESTION: The French Revolution began in 1789. Add on your 224 year Political Cycle and you get 2013. However you don’t appear to highlight this Major...
The OECD has confirmed what our computer models have been warning that we are entering into the collapsing stage of Western Civilization that is being caused by...
There has been a lot of talk on how Snowden is the NSA’s biggest nightmare. At the core of the issue is the right to privacy and this is what people forget....